HBV in english

Hietsu Beach Volley Club (HBV) is Finland’s largest beach volley club. Our activities focus on adult’s non-professional games at Hietaranta (Hietsu) beach in Helsinki. Although our official language is Finnish, you are very welcome to join the club as our games and other activities are in English as well.
Hietsu Beach Volley Club was founded in 1995. Today, we have almost 1 000 active members taking part in our activities: free play using the HBV quality gear, weekly games for men and women (king of the beach -style with our own ranking system), courses, member tournaments, organised training sessions, beach parties and sauna evenings. You can follow our events calendar to keep track of what’s happening.
You can pay and register as a new member here. The membership fee for 2024 is 85 euros. For junior members (under 18 years) the membership fee is 20 euros.
Once you have registered and paid, you’ll get to use all the club’s gear: balls, nets, ropes…everything you need to get a game going. Weather permitting, there are always other players on the beach – and you are guaranteed to find a crowd of players on sunny afternoons and evenings from May to September.
Please note that all the players on the court must be HBV members, and that we do not allow visitors. We do not sell day-passes or other options for visiting players.
Weekly games and trainings
All players will be divided into groups of four, and everyone will play with everyone one game until 21 points. After the games, the ranking points of every player will be counted, and the ranking points affect your ranking which will affect who you will play with in the next weekly games.
HBV organizes trainings for members. They are led by experienced players and each session can accommodate a limited number of participants. Sign up in advance for the trainings here.
Summer Calendar 2024
Every week weekly games on Tuesdays for women and on Wednesday for men and Thursday trainings for different levels.
3 Warehouse bee
3 Spring meeting
9 JNCT tournament
18 HBV Championship tournament
24 Find your fellow players evening
3-5 Junior Camp
10 and 14 Basic course
7 tournament of 4 vs 4
15 Hobby tournament, B and C level
2-7 Super week
- 2 Hape open tournament
- 3 JNCT tournament
- 4 JNBT tournament
- 5 Mixed tournament
- 6-7 Junior Finnish Championship sub-competition
2-4 Hietsu Open, Finnish Championship sub-competition
10 Hobby level tournament
17 Junior tournament at Beachbox
24 JNBT and JNCT Finals
25 Mixed tournament
7 King And Queen of Hietsu Finals and Season Ending Party
Sign up here when registration is open.

Sign up for our member newsletter from the form below or from the footer of the page (tilaa uutiskirje) to receive the latest news in brief in Finnish and English.
If you need to get in touch with the HBV board, you can reach them via email hallitus@hbv.fi. In other matters you can reach us at info@hbv.fi.
The unofficial but often fastest way to get information is to join HBV’s Facebook group. The group is for HBV members only. All members of the group are welcome to produce content in the group.
HBV web application for members
HBV has introduced a lightweight HBV web application that you log in to with a weekly game token. You have received the token in the confirmation email of the registration for the weekly games.The HBV web app can be accessed from the link above and it will only work for members who have paid the membership fee in 2024. With HBV web app, you can
- register for HBV events like trainings, or weekly games
- view your weekly game group information and enter weekly game game points when the games are ongoing
- see your own registrations for events
- cancel your event registrations when the registration is open
- see your own membership information and the equipment booth code under ”My information” in the submenu of the application
If you have tried to send yourself a weekly game token but do not receive an email, check your spam and, if necessary, contact info@hbv.fi. In the email, tell us the email address to which you would like to receive messages in the future. The application can be used either directly in the browser or it can be installed on your phone, for example, using the chrome browser.
In the future, we will add more and more functionalities to the app. For instance, the weekly game pool links from previous summers will no longer work and the pools and points will be added via the new web app. So please start actively using the app!
Playing at Hietsu – The beach etiquette
Only HBV members who have paid their membership fee have the right to use the equipment. You are not allowed to give them to outsiders or take them out of Hietsu. The equipment is kept in a shed with a combination lock. Do not give the code to outsiders or shout it aloud while at the beach. Lock the shed and remember to turn the numbers on the lock so that the correct combination is not visible.
The beach area (approximately marked at the image above, see the more specific area in this link) has been reserved for the club during the summer season from the beginning of May until the end of August. Always remember to follow proper etiquette and kindly ask any other beach users to relocate if setting up the court requires it.
All members of HBV have to remember some simple rules so that playing is nice and easy for everyone:
- Every time you are playing in Hietsu, participate in setting up and taking down the net.
- Pay attention to other players, and during busy days, rotate the courts between players.
- Pay attention to other users of the beach – Hietsu is not only for HBV players.
- Respect and take care of HBV’s equipment, keep the hut and the beach clean.
- SET UP – PLAY – TAKE DOWN is a good principle for using the beach. See below a video of a model performance of using the courts.
When you get to the beach, set up a court. The principle is that every player sets up at least one court and takes down at least one court every time they are playing. The courts are set in to the beach in four rows.
The easiest way to find games is to go to the beach and set up a court. You can also go next to a court and ask if they would take you to the games. In HBV, we want to make sure that everyone gets to play. Especially during the busy days everyone must be flexible and give other players an opportunity for games.
When the players start to leave the beach, you take down the courts starting from the beach side. After taking down the court, take all the equipment to the shed and the places where they belong. Please keep the shed tidy!
In the video below there’s an example how to set up and take down a court
Business cooperation
Want to grow your brand with the Finlands biggest Beach Volley club.
Download more info from here and let’s grow our partnership to a full fruition.
Let’s organize a guided tryout for your company or community members at this invigorating sport.
More info here!
Company League – Form a team with the people you work with and participate in tournaments held throughout the summer.
More info here!
Hietsu Beach Volley
00100 Helsinki
HBV:n toiminta keskittyy Hietarannan eteläpäähän.